2019 One Special Families

Each Christmas we aim to share Christ’s love in a BIG tangible way with
families who are experiencing hardships. Our special families are nominated by other organizations and prayerfully selected. It’s always a blessing at Christmas to be able to bless others. This fundraiser is the way we can do that– and we are trusting GOD to provide for these families— by moving YOU—and hundreds of others like you, to be generous. Because GOD has been so generous to send HIS son as a gift to us, we are motivated to give.

Read the stories below to learn about the families who will benefit from One Special Christmas this year.

Join our mission by coming to the auction and buying SUPER COOL handmade one-of-a-kind items or you can simply make a donation by clickin the link below:


In HIS service,
Emily Chapman Valenti
Chairman of the Board

One Special Family # 1

They came through the door with their overnight bags and smiles on their faces. As they kicked their shoes off one of the children excitedly said, “Did you hear the news?!” Mom said, “What news?” with the most normal tone she could muster. She gave him the opportunity to share his exciting news, and bore the heaviness she had been holding in her heart all night. She wanted to spare them just a little longer. In a few short minutes she would have to tell them the worst news they’d ever received. She would be telling her 9 yr old son and 13 yr old, daddy’s little girl, that their father had passed away the night before.
It all happened so fast.
Just last night she made plans to leave the hospital for a few hours to meet the plumber at their home and then meet a representative about being chosen as a recipient of One Special Christmas before going back to being by her husband’s side.
This morning there was no reason to go back.
Even though he had been diagnosed with cancer in August of 2018, he was only 38 yrs old, and the treatments had been working until just a few weeks ago. Doctors recently told them that time was short, and they were advised to enjoy the time he had left and to begin hospice care.
But even when you know the unthinkable is coming– it is still unthinkable. And the kids weren’t prepared. Neither was mom.
They had been together for seventeen years, almost their whole adult life. She was thankful for that, but as she struggled to process how it happened so fast, she said, “I just wish I could have had even one more day.”
Unfortunately, we can’t give them one more day, but together we can offer them a little peace and alot of love. There are many uncertainties in the days to come as they navigate life without him. Mom has taken off weeks of work, unpaid, to be with her ailing husband, so funeral and household expenses are overwhelming her. Christmas honestly wasn’t a consideration until she was nominated by Novant Health Hospice to be one of our special families.
Let’s wrap our arms around this family during this time and help them feel GOD’S great love for them. We can ease some of their financial burden and give them the Christmas morning they desperately need this year.

One Special Family # 2

“Mama, if we get a place before Christmas can we have a Christmas tree?” her daughter asked from their room in the homeless shelter just a few weeks ago. They had been living there since April. The 44 year old mother was recently reunited with her daughters after years of separation. For three years, while in their father’s care, this mother was unable to see or talk to them. The lack of a legal custody agreement or money to retain a lawyer kept her constant attempts at seeing them unsuccessful. She had almost completely given up hope and started a new life in North Carolina, when a miracle changed everything. A friend told her about a hotline she could call to report her troubles in gaining access to her children. She called the hotline and finally…
A breakthrough–
Within a few days she was on her way to Atlanta to get the girls.
She had just one problem– she didn’t have adequate housing for them. She stayed with a friend for a short time, before moving into the homeless shelter with her middle school aged daughters.
She was determined to get a home for them as soon as possible. For months she worked two jobs- morning, noon, and night, often having to walk to and from work.
Being together with her girls was all she had been dreaming of for years, and all she wanted for them was to have a home where they could, “be kids and not have a care in the world like kids are supposed to do.”
So on this past Saturday afternoon when she took me from room to room in the home she had worked so hard to provide with the help of Fifth Street Ministries, you can imagine how she beamed with pride– especially when she explained why she already had a humble little silver Christmas tree on a table in her living room.
There’s no TV. No dining room table. She is sleeping on the couch so her girls can have the beds. And her daughter has to sit in just the right place near a window to get a WiFi signal from who knows where to do homework. But you will not hear one complaint. Not from these girls. And definitely not from this mama.
This family was nominated by Tonya Reid, the McKinney Vento Homeless Education Program District Liaison from the Iredell-Statesville School System, who has witnessed this mother’s great fortitude over these past few months in very trying times. Reid explained that, “This family would benefit greatly from having One Special Christmas. It would help pave the way to a better future for each family member. Through the ups and downs, uncertainties and hardships that the family has experienced ….they are together. I have watched mother make decisions and sacrifices to gain and improve her family’s way of living. They are grateful for all that has come their way to help them. Each girl possesses their own personality and way of being that attracts people to them. They are funny, ambitious and have goals in life. They both are respectful and helpful to their mother. They are deserving of a life-changing Christmas!”

One Special Family # 3

“Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I can’t get excited about this,” the wearied mother of two young boys, told us from the meeting room of the hotel where she has been living. It is evident that she has an extraordinary measure of mettle as she details the events of the last 19 months– the most harrowing chapter of her life. She is strong, but she is tired and doesn’t expect good things. She just can’t.
The abuse. It came out of nowhere when her youngest son was born prematurely. She doesn’t know what happened or why the father of her children snapped– one day he was just a different person. She stayed and endured the abuse for a while thinking it was the only way should could provide for her two year old autistic son, and her newborn baby– until her toddler was hurt trying to protect her.
Then homelessness. With no family to turn to for help, no one to watch her boys, and no transportation it became impossible to provide a home.
The Brookwood Inn. Exhausted and losing hope she ended up at a hotel with enough money for a one night’s stay. Social Services had advised her that they would be removing her children from her care if she couldn’t provide adequate housing by the next day. In desperation, she shared her impossible predicament with Denise Sharrow, the hotel’s manager. Denise, seeing that it would be devastating for them to be separated from each other, felt compassion and said, “Tell them you live here. We will figure it out.”
Moving forward. Since that night, Denise has continued to help her stay afloat at the hotel, as needed, with the help of the Acts of Kindness Family Ministry. Not only this, but she met another mom, with similar struggles, who has been living at the hotel, and they have become allies. Her friend stays at the hotel and cares for all of the children, while she works 50 hours per week. This is an especially GOD-ordained friendship, as her friend shares the unique understanding of having an autistic child. The two friends have become like family and help each other out.
Together they have enough income to afford the expenses of a home, but it would take them a very long time to save enough for a deposit and first months rent. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could help end this difficult chapter? Together we could help them get into a new home this Christmas…

One Special Family # 4

“They say there’s no cure and the doctor says I’ve got two years. But I believe I’m gonna win. Someone has to teach these kids to drive… I’m not the best dad, but I’m the only one they’ve got”
This past August the breadwinning husband and father of a 12 yr old son and 14 yr old daughter went to the ER with excruciating pain. He expected to be diagnosed with kidney stones. But instead, he was given one devastating blow after another– stage 4 cancer in both kidneys and both lungs, diabetes, a narrowing heart valve, and COPD.
He couldn’t go back to work and he had no short term disability through his job. He can start receiving Social Security in 6 months, but until then, his income isnt enough to fully provide for his family. They trust that GOD will provide, but have no clue how it will happen.
His children are special people– both of them uniquely gifted and kind. They are understanding about not being able to afford Christmas this year. In fact, his daughter is such a kind-hearted girl that one year when she was younger she requested that her presents be given to other children who needed them. Her family laughs about how she cried that Christmas morning when she still had gifts under the tree.
This year she is just happy to be spending it with her dad.
But in light of the difficulties her family has experienced this year, wouldnt it be amazing if we could help bring a little peace and joy to this special family this Christmas? Perhaps we could help bear a little of their burden and make this world feel like a softer place. Let’s show them BIG LOVE by allowing these kids to experience a memorable, joyful Christmas with their dad.

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