2016 Delivery


Yesterday we delivered gifts for 3 very special families!

Family #1:

The mom of our first family just got a devastating stage 4 cancer diagnosis a couple of months ago. Since her diagnosis she hasn’t been able to work and still hasn’t recieved disability. Our goal for her family was to help provide the peace of mind of having their bills paid until the disability is approved, provide Christmas wishes, and help an 11 year old boy and his 16 year old sister make special Christmas memories with their mom this year.

We delivered:

For 11 year old boy- A video game system and games, a soccer ball, a gift card to his favorite restaurant, clothes, gift card for more clothes, shoes, a Bible, and a stocking full of goodies.

For 16 year old girl- A digital camera and case, a Polaroid Camera, film, a memory card, clothes, gift cards for clothes at her favorite stores, shoes, nail salon gift card, gift card to favorite restaurant, a Bible, and a stocking full of goodies.

For Mom: A tablet, a gift card for clothes, shoes, dishes, pots and pans, a Wal-Mart gift card, a Harris Teeter gift card, gas cards, a Bible, and a stocking full of goodies.

For Family: A 2-day vacation at Great Wolf Lodge, a promise to pay 3 months of rent, car payment, car insurance, and electricity. Also– 12 months of WiFi.

Family #2

Our second family is a single Dad and his 11 year old daughter who recently experienced a brain aneurysm. The dad has not been able to work since August because he has been by his daughter’s side as she is recovering from this life-altering event. Our goal for this family was to fulfill Christmas wishes and help them to make amazing memories together.

We delivered:

For 11 year old girl- An iPhone, a video game system and games, clothes, shoes, a Bible, and a stocking of goodies. (And a Disney gift card donated by Ms. Peterson’s 1st grade class at Woodland Heights Elementary)

For Dad- A Lowes Hardware gift card, a Wal-Mart gift card, a Harris Teeter gift card, gas cards, a Bible, and a stocking of goodies.

For Family: A Trip to Disney!!

Family #3

Our third family has been greatly affected by a cancer diagnosis this year. The single mom of two has been struggling to get by since April when her 7 year old son was diagnosed with Leukemia. She has been unable to work while her son has been undergoing treatment. Their income is limited to his disability check which barely pays their rent, much less any other bills. Our goal for this family is to fulfill Christmas wishes and to help them get by for a couple of months until hopefully the treatment schedule slows down enough for mom to get back to work.

We delivered:

For 7 year old boy- An electric dirt bike, video games, clothes, shoes, a Bible and a stocking full of goodies.

For 15 mos. old boy- Lots of noisy toys (what mom asked for), clothes, shoes, a storybook Bible, and a stocking full of goodies.

For Mom: A gift card for clothes, Wal-Mart gift card, Harris Teeter gift card, gas cards, a Bible, and a stocking full of goodies.

For Family: A promise to catch up rent, pay 3 months of rent, catch up car payment, pay 3 months of car payment, and 3 months of water and electricity.


Thank you to EVERYONE who made this an AMAZING year!!!

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